Friday, March 26, 2010

Two Reasons

Hi guys, my name is Mitch. I'm 23 years old, and a bit of a health information junkie. My health and overall fitness have not always reflected this, but I've always been interested in fitness, nutrition, and the mixture of the two. So, when my sister called and told me that she was interested in trying the Paleo diet, I was immediately intrigued.

I tried the paleo diet for a short time a year before, and noticed some encouraging results in the time I did it. However, due to budget and time constraints (as well as a weak will), I quit the diet about 4 weeks after starting. Despite this fact, I have always had a special place in my heart for this simple, yet infinitely complex diet. I'm excited to be able to go on this journey with my sister, and hope to be able to post some encouraging results within a few weeks time!

One of the reasons I'm most excited for this challenge is because anyone who reads this blog is going to get to see 2 different people (with very different health backgrounds), in 2 different places, trying the same diet, for 2 different reasons.

My sister, like she said in her introduction, is trying this diet for health and diabetes related reasons. She hopes to lower her A1C levels, and to lessen her dependence on insulin. I on the other hand, have been blessed to have no major health issues that I am aware of, and thus, am doing this diet for athletic and vanity related reasons. I hope to notice improvement in my overall strength and recovery time (as noticed by many "Paleo" athletes) when lifting weights, as well as get my body fat below 10% for the first time since high school.

Thanks for following us on this journey!

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