In case you are unfamiliar with this diet, here are the 6 simple ground rules to the Paleo (a.k.a. CAVEMAN, hunter-gatherer) Diet:
1. All the lean meats, fish, and seafood you can eat
2. All the fruits and nonstarchy vegetables you can eat
3. No cereals
4. No legumes
5. No dairy products
6. No processed foods
Some of my friends say, "that's just Atkins!"
But no - the Paleo Diet is not a low-carb, fat-free diet: it's a low-carb, highly nutritious, "bad fat"-free diet! That is one of the big differences between this diet and something like the Atkins diet.
Salt and refined sugar are also supposed to be kept to a minimum. Gotta keep those glycemic indexes low so I can have a better A1c!!!
- Andi
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