Here are my notes on it:
The ocean of blood that nourishes your body has an identical pH (alkaline) of 7.4 to the ocean that nourishes the earth. As long as the blood stays alkaline, things are good in the body and the ocean. As soon as the pH drops into the acidic range, catastrophe happens. The prime directive of the human body is to keep the ocean of life (blood) alkaline. The symptoms of disease are the body trying to heal itself. We look at it as disease and try to treat the symptoms.
1st step of disease: fatigue and brain fog
Your body grabs alkaline reserves from somewhere else to get it into the blood. Then it grabs it from your brain and you get brain fog. The body tries to heal itself by taking alkalizing minerals.
2nd step of disease: the body creates fat (adipose tissue) to store the toxins.
This is why you cut the fat off the meat because that is where animals store their toxins (up to 10x the toxic density of the meat). A human body does this as well. Some people store their fat externally, some people don't. Some people store it internally, around the heart/liver/etc. which is actually worse for you. You have a limit to how much fat you can put on your body before the acid starts oozing back into the muscles (and you have sore muscles: fibromyalgia). Then it moves to the joints: gout and arthritis. Then you've got acid rushing down the veins. Acid is caustic - it eats away at things and will start eating away at the artery. So the body creates some triglycerides to patch/plug this up in your artery. If that doesn't clear it up it creates plaque on the arteries. Then it creates a specialized fat from the liver called cholesterol: HDL and LDL. That means cardiovascular disease, inflammation, pain, suffering. In a last resort the body will start to canabalize the bones and take the calcium right out of there: osteoporosis.
3rd step of disease: cancer, MS, alzheimers, etc.
It's like the Pacific garbage patch! Complete breakdown.
These steps of disease are what happens when the body is trying to keep alkaline blood. The body trying to heal itself to restore an alkaline blood stream. You see the body shift from the growth stage to the decay stage. The undertakers of the natural world (yeast, mold, fungus, bacteria, parasites) take over in the decay stage. We see a proliferation of these bugs take over the body. In each stage, an increase of that. Then we start to see a systemic breakdown. It starts in the bowels with dysbiosis, constipation, farting, bloating, burping. Then it moves to the liver and we have hormonal problems, PMS, sugar problems. Then it may move to the lungs with asthma or bronchitis. It's these bugs digesting the body, rotting the body to recycle it.
Dr. Young says that these yeast, mold, fungus, bacteria are progressive based on the pH of the blood. You can take a red blood cell and as its pH moves into the acidic range, that healthy red blood cell is going to get shrivelled like a prune and then it's going to look like a donut. It's got a white "hole" in the middle like a donut. But it's actually a white yeast cell that births out of the red blood cell. That yeast cell will morph into a rod bacteria. This is like if you fed a cat dog food and then came back the next day and it turned into a dog! It's a different species! And yet Dr. Young showed this.
Cause of the problem?
1. Stressful lifestyle (living)
2. Negative thinking (thinking)
3. Improper diet (eating)
Prime directive of the body is to: Alkalize the BLOOD, NOT the body!
We need to look at the pH scale to measure fluids. 1-7 is acid (7 = neutral) and 8-14 is alkaline.
All manmade chemicals are plastic that create acid in the body. Aspirin creates bleeding in the stomach.
He recommends xylitol and says it is a miracle food. It's from birch trees. All the sweets/sweeteners in the natural world (stevia, honey, glucose, sucrose, molasses, agave, maple syrup, etc.) do 2 things: 1) stimulate the growth of pathogenic bacteria and 2) stimulate insulin; effect blood sugar. Xylitol is the only sweetener on earth that does not do these 2 things. It does the opposite. It inhibits pathogenic bacteria and promotes GOOD bacterical flora - probiotics. It's a prebiotic. It doesn't require insulin.
Dentists recommend taking xylitol before bed, after you brush your teeth. In Scandinavia they have several 20-30 year studies measuring the effect of xylitol on kids and they don't get gum disease later in life.
If you have dysbiosis (lots of bacteria/yeasts that feed off sugar) you have to introduce xylitol slowly. Buy a bag of xylitol, use 1/8 tsp and increase by 1/8 tsp every day until you are able to consume 1 tsp or more daily.
We can see that foods create an acidic problem in the blood because in the Standard American Diet, is 80% acidic foods and yeast foods (i.e. white flour).
Some people have so little HCl they can't even digest peanut butter. This opens the intestinal tract to a whole plethora of bugs. We have to restore the acid to ignite the gastric fire.
If you want to get healthy, you have to cut all the junk out. All the acidic food.
The pH scale is exponential. So coffee is 1,000x more acidic than water. Alcohol is 10,000x more acidic than water. A glass of Coke is 100,000x more acidic than water.
Get the body healed first, then if you want to eat things like a margarita and ice cream those things can be done in moderation.
Diet is not enough. The bugs go into remission. But you must have the right supplements in the right sequence as well.
Dr. Young found that the blood of the animal kingdom is red because of the hemoglobin. The blood of the plant kingdom is green because of the chlorophyll. He looked at chlorophyll and hemoglobin as molecules and found that they are IDENTICAL except for one thing: in the center of hemoglobin is IRON and in the center of chlorophyll is MAGNESIUM (which is an alkalizing mineral). That means if we drink more chlorophyll we can make more hemoglobin and new red blood cells, which means more oxygen and less toxins. He found that there are over 250 chlorophylls in the food chain! He threw out 200 of them - if they weren't bioavailable or if they were acidic to the blood (the sea algaes like spirulina, chlorella, and blue green algae). Sea vegetables (dulse, nori) are different. The algaes do the same thing in the sea that yeast does on land: they digest and eat things and create an acidic effect on the blood. As a general rule, don't eat the sea algaes.
49 of these greens alkalize the blood. Dr. Robert Young created a product with these greens called InnerLight SuperGreens. You must drink it at the proper rate: half your body weight in fluid ounces daily. If you don't drink enough you don't have enough fluid to get rid of your metabolic waste. That means you're increasing your acid and you are not healing.
Alkalized water is good but it's not enough. Adding SuperGreens to your water spread throughout the day is what you need. These provide intense alkalization. Combine this with a proper alkaline diet and people start getting healthy!
Realistically this is a process for most people that takes about 6 months. Start the diet, add the supplements, and you'll know if you're healthy or not.
The other green he recommends is meringa. It is a plant that the UN uses for starvation. It's one of the most nutrient dense plants on earth. The elixir of life. They give it to women who don't have milk for their babies. It provides nutrition.
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