Tuesday, September 07, 2010

Food, Inc. and The China Study

Last night was a big "food" night for me. I watched the movie "Food, Inc." and started the book "The China Study." If you've never heard of either of these things, here is a little synopsis.

Food, Inc. (<-- click on that link!) is a documentary-type movie about the food industry. It shows the "dark side" of where our food comes from and how it is produced nowadays. It interviews people such as Michael Pollan (author of The Omnivore's Dillema) and Joel Salatin (Polyface Farms), and advocates eating local, organic food. It was great to watch with one of my roommates who may be inheriting a family farm soon and actually have the opportunity to do it right. The one gripe I had about this movie was that it was too serious - I wish they would have injected a little more humor into it. But it is very informative and inspiring! I was so happy to be a part of a (local, organic) CSA after watching it. Next challenge: figure out how to help people who can't afford to eat like this be able to eat like this. SAME Cafe seems to be doing a good job of this - I need to visit that place soon!

The China Study is a little more controversial for me. So far I've only read the first chapter and some strong claims have been made that essentially a vegan diet (no meat, dairy, eggs) can reverse and cure things like heart disease, diabetes, and cancer. I really want to believe that a vegan diet is the way to go b/c I don't like killing animals for food (and I am trying more and more to figure out how to bring peace to the world in every way possible), but one question pops to mind in response to his claims - which makes me less apt to believe his findings fully: why did the eskimoes have low rates of heart disease on a diet of mostly all seal meat? (I know the omega-3 to omega-6 ratio is good in seal meat...) I do, however, believe that the author, T. Colin Campbell, has something very right: more fruits and veggies make for healthier people. Looking forward to hearing what else he has to say.

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