Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Non-pump A1c at 7.1%

I took an "insulin pump holiday" this summer so the infusion sites on my stomach could heal up a bit. Also, I wanted to see how my A1c would compare on the pump vs. shots while I did the Paleo Diet.

My last A1c (while on an insulin pump and eating Paleo) was 6.2%.
My current A1c (while doing shots and eating Paleo) was 7.1%.

So the pump seems to be better for my blood sugars than shots. I will say that I have done more "cheating" this summer, however, than when I first had my A1c measured so it is not an entirely direct cause-and-effect relationship.

An A1c of 7.0% is really the standard benchmark: if you are below this, you have a much lower risk of complications. And a "normal" person typically has an A1c below 6.0%. Diabetics with A1cs below 6.0% say that they are part of the "5% Club," which is what I aspire to. So I am going back on the insulin pump in about 1 month, and going to see if I can get myself below 6%.

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