Wednesday, March 04, 2015

Days 1-2 of less meat

Of course the day I decide to stop eating beef and chicken, one of my friends texts me and asks if I'd like to come over for dinner - of gumbo.

Gumbo I learned is basically a lot of meat - especially beef and chicken - in a stew. Kinda the worst thing I should be having right now according to my new principles...

So I brought a salad over, ate a couple slices of homemade sourdough bread prior, and had just a couple bites of his gumbo.


  • Up until that point I was doing a pretty good job of staying away from meat. And interestingly enough, my body and digestive system felt lighter. Much better.


  • However, my blood sugar was sky high before bed that night. I chalked this up to my body not being used to eating so many carbs and so little protein. So I took a big shot of insulin to bring it down and woke up around 12:30am with a blood sugar of 43 - so I had to eat more carbs to get it back up. Definitely felt like a roller coaster.
  • Also, I weighed myself and my weight was up a little bit from what it has been. I've been trying to lose weight and keeping track very closely, so this was a bummer to see.

TODAY 3/4/15:
Breakfast this morning consisted of homemade vegetable and bone broth with some added (heirloom wheat) ramen noodles, and cooked dark leafy greens.

I was feeling very hungry by 10am and ate 2 dates, some walnuts, and a bowl of oatmeal. I had to take an extra shot of insulin for this.

I definitely feel more hungry on this lower protein diet. But that could be because I have added grains instead of fruits/veggies as some of my main calories this morning. I've heard it said that your body sends hunger signals when it needs additional nutrients - of which grains don't have very many. When I eat a green smoothie for breakfast I don't feel as hungry as I did today. So that is what I will try tomorrow (today was really cold outside so I wanted something warm to eat).

Really, that is my main goal: to eat more fruits and vegetables, therefore crowding out my need to eat very many grains or much meat.

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