Monday, October 18, 2010

Type 1 diabetes caused by A1 milk?!?!

A few days ago I typed in "type 1 diabetes and dairy" into a Google search, just to see what might come up.

Since I've discovered my body feels SOOOOOOO much better when I don't drink/eat dairy products, I was lactose intolerant as a kid, and I've heard rumblings of clinical studies on cows milk causing type 1 diabetes, I've had a nagging suspicion for a couple years now that dairy is related to my endocrine plight.

Well, here's an article that came up that has me fired up!!!!: Why some dairy causes heart disease and diabetes and some doesn't

This article explains how dairy with the A1 beta-casein protein (as opposed to dairy with the A2 beta-casein protein) is linked to causing type 1 diabetes! well as heart disease, autism, and schizophrenia.

I wanted to know more about this, so I ordered the book "Devil in the Milk: Illness, Health, and the Politics of A1 and A2 Milk" from and started reading it today (click on the link or pic below to learn more).

The more I learn about the wicked web of health and politics and money, the more I am discouraged. And I have started writing songs about this - my first song being about the dairy industry. People need to know about how the truth gets swept under the rug when money and powerful corporations get involved. It breaks my heart.

So... a huge passion of mine is figuring out ways to align incentives with doing good. How can we align incentives such that dairy farmers make their cows into A2 cows that produce A2 milk?

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